ע''ש ר' שלמה יוסף קליין ז''ל

Welcome to
Yeshiva Tiferes Shlomo

A Brand New Dormitory Mesivta in the Tristate Area Centrally located on a beautiful campus in Inwood, NY.

The best of both worlds, living the תורה all week in ישיבה, while coming home for שבת to refresh!

Rabbi Chaim Metz שליט''א

Rabbi Chaim Shlomo Metz שליט''א

מנהל and ninth grade Rebbi

Rabbi Metz learned in Yeshiva Darchei Torah elementary school, Yeshiva of Far Rockaway High School and Bais Medrash, Yeshiva of South Fallsburg Bais Medrash, and Bais Medrash Govoha of Lakewood Kollel. He is a תלמיד מובהק of Rav Yechiel Perr שליט''א and Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel שליט''א and the מחבר of דברי ברכה on פרק כיצד מברכין and עטרת שמריהו on מס' בבא בתרא. For the past decade Rabbi Metz has been the highly successful ninth grade Rebbi at the Yeshiva of Far Rockaway. He is also the Founding Director of Anchor Mentoring Zimras Binyomin, an extremely impactful mentoring and chavrusa program in the Far Rockaway & 5 Towns community. In the summer, Rabbi Metz is the Director and ראש מתיבתא of the popular Camp Aish Mesivta in Woodbourne, NY.

Rabbi Yisroel Gold שליט''א

Rabbi Yisroel Gold שליט''א


Rabbi Gold learned in Yeshiva Chaim Berlin from elementary school through Bais Medrash. There he formed a close relationship with the ראש ישיבה Reb Aharon Schechter זצ''ל and Reb Chaim Kitowitz שליט''א. He continued his learning in מיר ירושלים under Reb Eyton Yaffen שליט''א and Reb Asher Arielli שליט'''א. He was a מגיד שיעור in ישיבת אדרת התורה in ארץ ישראל and בית מדרש עטרת יעקב for 15 years and is currently the ראש כולל of זכרון אברהם בייניש and Rav of קהל נועם שיח in Far Rockaway. His family has close ties to the Belzer חסידות and he is personally a close תלמיד of Reb Tzvi Meir Zilberberg שליט''א.

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